
Showing posts with the label Windows 8

Samsung, Apple, et al.

I have a problem. Its a bloody small little big problem. I had decided to present myself a tablet to celebrate my becoming a Doctor in Philosophy and all that. The euphoria of getting the degree is already gone, but I still haven't bought myself a tablet. Now you may wonder what prevents me from doing that? Well here comes my small little big problem.... My expections from a tablet are quite simple. I should be able to do basic editing of Word and Powerpoint documents and I should be able to connect it to an LCD projector. I thought I would be able to just breeze into a store and come out with a tablet of my choice. But no. The Samsung, Apple, Acer, Android, IOS and Windows Gods have ganged up against me. No Samsung tablet can be connected to VGA LCD projector with a single cable. You require one HDMI output cable, to which you attach a HDMI to VGA converter and that too requires a power source. After hunting in the Internet jungle I found no solution which guarantees that this c...