Speaking Visuals

All visuals have a message. Some are created by us, some, by nature. The beholder/receiver of the message analyses the message, makes meaning out of it; the visual generates responses at several levels. There are several factors that have an effect on our perception of a visual.

According to Norman, there are three levels of design: visceral, behavior, and reflective.
  • At the visceral level, which is based on instinct, physical features like look, feel, and sound dominate. When we perceive something as “pretty”, that judgment comes directly from the visceral level. 
  • Behavior design concerns the use, or ease of use where appearance may not be significant. In most behavior design functionality gets the top priority. 
  • In a reflective design message, culture and the meaning of a product gets priority. 
However, today, consumers are more critical, prone to analyse a visual at the visceral and behavior level, so the designing is done to evoke emotion, arouse past experiences, create a great user experience to enable future recall of that design. An ideal design would first stimulate a consumer at the visceral level and later, at the reflective level. This means the design should not simply evoke emotions based on appearances alone, but give personal satisfaction, evoke memories that may arouse their emotions.

That is why, so much importance is given to presentation today, rather than the content. If the presentation is good, you have won half the battle. Just look at the book covers today. Many people pick up a book because the cover is well designed. Why just books, many go and watch a movie because the promo they watch on the TV or on YouTube promises a fantastic movie. I have fallen prey to this too.

What is the role of  the eye in all this? Actually, apart from receiving the light, almost nothing. But more of that in the next post.  Meanwhile, enjoy these pics. I am sure you must have seen many such paintings online. One last question... how many remember the Hastinapur story from Mahabharat?

Source: http://www.creativescoops.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/3d-sidewalk-art-4.jpg

Source: http://www.creativescoops.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/3d-sidewalk-art-6.jpg

Source: http://wdy.h-cdn.co/assets/cm/15/08/54eaab66b646e_-_3d-street-art-lifestyle-07-2.jpg

Source: http://wdy.h-cdn.co/assets/cm/15/08/54eaab67a1a63_-_3d-street-art-lifestyle-06-2.jpg


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