Management Careers in Media - Content Syndication

The Media and Communication industry has so many facets that it becomes difficult to keep a track of how many careers are available. The media has become all-pervasive especially after the the Internet got hitched up with mobile phones. The disruption these two technologies have caused is phenomenal, but they have also created several opportunities for those who wish to make a career in management in media, entertainment, and communication industry. I wrote about Media Planning and Buying as a management career. You need to understand media thoroughly to be a media planner. A regular MBA in Marketing or Finance will probably not be able to teach you this. But a media-specific curriculum will.

Let's look at another interesting career path. Very interesting because it is something that business schools do not usually teach as part of their curriculum, but has become an important managerial function nonetheless.

When your client creates content, be it a blog, a write-up, a film, a documentary… any content in any form, you need to be able to show it to the world. One way is paying huge amounts of money to the several modes of distribution, the other is devise methods by which the content gets generic popularity. Both methods are employed in the industry. 

Content Syndication is a process of of making your content available on multiple content delivery platforms, more specifically in today's context, online platforms. A Content Syndication Manager pushes the content - a website, a blog, a video, etc. to other websites or online media. This could be in form of full articles, or a link, or even a thumbnail.  The first step to content syndication is deciding on the goals for your business. Are you trying to drive traffic to your blog, giving product information, or to your website? Do you really want to syndicate a full article or maybe just an image, a headline, or a paragraph? You might want to look up RSS feeds. thumbnails, titles, or excerpts of a write-up. You need to think of ways to auto-generate leads rather then manually feeding several apps or sites.Content syndication is all about automated distribution of digital content, lead generation, co-branding, partnering with other sites. This is an exciting career, gaining a lot of importance every year. 

Qualifications: A management certification in media, with specific knowledge and experience in content planning, organization, and distribution on social media. You should be good at Social media analytics, and should be able to advise your client on which platform to host content for maximum impact. If you are doing your BMM, or your BMS, or even those in their third year of B.Com and B.Sc., you should look at this career seriously. It is not just about number crunching, but also creating content…. and media is not just entertainment.


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