"For every face you see on the screen, there are hundreds that work behind it. And those are more stable professions." Films are not just a source of entertainment and time-pass, they allow us to escape from the real world even if for some time, they provide us knowledge and information, make us nostalgic, help in companionship and conversation building, and release tension. Films have their own language, film making is an art, but a film is also a result of hard work, planning, and sweat and blood. To make a film, one should understand the Language of Film. As film makers, we use a language that not only tells a story, but we also create a product which could have a profound impact on the audiences. We tell our stories in a language that the audience may not understand, but certainly FEEL. Let's consider the Low Angle Shot. The dictionary(dictionary.com) meaning is as follows: low-angle shot[ loh-ang-guh l ] noun (in motion pictures or photography) a...
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